Search for rooms in APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome and nearby


APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome

APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome (3 stars) is an accommodation with many amenities located at about 2 km from the center of Fukuoka. Here you can stay in a double room for a price starting at 101 €. The lodging has wifi internet connection in all its facilities. These are some of the more relevant amenities offered: parking, restaurant and climate control. About the remarcable places, close to Hakata Machiya Folk Museum and Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.


Photo - APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome Photo - APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome Photo - APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome Photo - APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome Photo - APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome

Price by night

You can book your room in APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome from 101 €.


APA Hotel Hakata Ekimae 4 chome reviews



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Location / Directions

Address: Hakata-ku Hakata Ekimae 4-10-15 . 812-0011 Fukuoka. Japan.