Search for rooms in Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach and nearby


Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach

Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach (3 stars) is an accommodation with many amenities located at about 2 km from the center of Manuel Antonio. Offers a price by night in a double room starting at 57 €. The lodging has free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. These are some of the more relevant amenities offered: swimming pool, parking, free parking, climate control and car rental service. This accommodation offers in addition a shuttle service connecting with the airport. It is noteworthy that this accommodation accepts customers travelling with pets.


Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach Photo - Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach

Price by night

You can book your room in Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach from 57 €.


Oceanfront Hotel Verde Mar direct access to the beach reviews



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Location / Directions

Address: Manuel Antonio. 60601 Manuel Antonio. Costa Rica.